Amoroso Violin Studio
Since 2004. Teaching 100+ Students of all ages and skill levels.
Whether you are a student graduating from high school and need to make that tough choice of which music University to attend or a professional violinist auditioning for a spot in a prestigious orchestra, Richard Amoroso has the skills and knowledge that prove positive results.
Educated 100+ students from all ages and violin playing abilities.
Amoroso Violin studio was started in 2004 and has educated 100+ students from all ages and violin playing abilities. Most notably, substantial scholarships have been awarded to students graduating high school. Advancing to prestigious music schools such as Oberlin University and Indiana University. Many of the students while in High school have also participated as members in the most esteemed youth orchestras in the greater Philadelphia area. In addition, several have participated in Pennsylvania Regionals and Pennsylvania State Orchestras.
Skilled and experienced instruction is available specifically when it comes to auditioning. Professional violinists taking orchestral auditions have benefited from taking lessons from the Studio winning positions with major Symphony Orchestras. The studio, having a deep knowledge of the repertoire whether it is solo or orchestral, gives students a major advantage when competing for spots in college and/or orchestras.
The studio also has a deep knowledge of the college decision. From selecting the proper school and teacher to selecting the appropriate repertoire, each student receives the information vital to the years post high school.
Amoroso Violin Studio gives students the tools needed when practicing at home and doing the work that each student needs to do to improve and make real change on a daily basis. Amoroso Violin Studio inspires students to love playing the violin and music in general.

Student Benefits
Amoroso Violin Studio is dedicated to giving students a sound fundamental platform of technique on the violin. From the beginning, scales of all kinds are at a root of all that is to come. Students will learn all scales in every key with varying speeds and bowings. In addition, scales with double stops are also included to stretch the student’s ability to its fullest potential.
While learning skills, students also are immersed in Études. Everything from Kreutzer, Rode, to ultimately Paganini Caprices are in the curriculum. Examples of technical skills learned range from bow techniques such as Martelé, spiccato, sautillé, to left hand agility with proper shifting, finger articulation and vibrato. Having a deep knowledge and ability of all these concepts is vital to learn the major violin repertoire.
In addition, students will learn basic musicianship. Ear training, including pitch discernment, ability to see and correctly perform different rhythmic patterns and textural awareness are essential to becoming accomplished. At every level, violinists are always practicing and refining these skills so as to stay in shape and be fully aware of the level of their violin playing.
One of the critical pieces of learning is the ability to take all these tools and put it to good use and learn how to truly practice with a purpose. So much time is easily wasted not knowing what to do when the student goes home. The aim is for the student to make some progress big or small each and every day so as to truly improve and make “real change”.
Lastly, the student will be given instruction on how to perform under pressure. No one is immune to the pressures and feelings of nervousness and excitement when playing in public. The mental game for violin is no different than giving a speech or playing a sport.
Student Case Studies
See what other students have accomplished with these programs.
Richard Amoroso’s main goal is to share his love of music along with the hard work it took him to get where he is today! To discover more examples of Richard Amoroso’s instructing results, check out the student performance and case study pages.